Why Fillaform?
Suppose that you need to gather some information.
It's a common need.
Perhaps you are capturing interest in a product, or conducting market research.
Perhaps you're taking applications from candidates, new members, or for funding.
Perhaps you need to onboard a new supplier, customer, or employee.
Or perhaps you're simply organising a get-together!
The possibilities are endless.
Whatever the need, forms are unavoidable.

Software to the rescue!
We have some basic expectations of software forms, for example:
- "I want to get the info securely, neatly formatted, and save it in a spreadsheet / database"
- "The software must be reliable and always available, never losing any data"
- "I need it to work in person as well as by email"
All too often we are let down...
... and we fear trying new software to solve the problem.
What do we fear?
- "I don't want to have to get my IT people to make something, or rely on them for support when I need to change it"
- "I don't want to use a large / complicated / unaffordable IT system, or waste time learning it and setting it up, or rely on my IT people to do that"
- "If I have lots of responses coming in at once, it must be able to cope with the demand and not fall over"
- "I don't want to have to update any software or worry about it becoming out of date / insecure because I haven't updated it"
- "I don't want it to stop working because I exceeded some weird limit without realising"
We turn to the software tools at hand to create our forms. Microsoft Word, or a PDF, or even a spreadsheet.
We then email these forms to the recipient, or print and hand them out in person.
Or we might try and build a website form with a plugin, in WordPress (or some other website software).
But these tools bring inconvenience and pain.
What kind of inconvenience and pain?
- "I have to re-type the responses into my system"
- "The recipient has to print it out and scan it after they've completed it, which takes them ages, and I can't read their writing when I eventually get the response"
- "I'm worried about the security of personal info being emailed as an attachment"
- "I can never find previous responses in my overwhelmed inbox"
- "The recipients want to use their mobile phone to complete the form, but Word and PDF forms don't work properly (if at all), and they can't print from their phones"
- "People use inconsistent date formats"
- "They always struggle to sign Word and PDF forms, often just typing in their name - is that legally binding?"
- "Word and PDF forms make my company look incompetent or old-fashioned these days"
- "How can I give respondents their legal 'right to be forgotten' when their forms are attachments in my email?"
- "WordPress crashes / is insecure / the plugin becomes incompatible / the plugin doesn't look like my website"
Perhaps we could live with this inconvenience and pain, if it didn't really cost us anything.

The costs are real and significant! For example....
Time really does cost money. What does half an hour re-typing or querying illegible writing cost in wages? Every single time a form comes in? How about the time and cost of other stakeholders waiting for the form processing bottleneck? You know this is a waste.
Your marketing team spend all that money on advertising (and steak dinners), only for the brand to be tarnished at the first contact with a customer, candidate, or supplier when they receive a cumbersome, ugly PDF or WordPress form. If you're a marketer, how does that feel?
Everyone knows that lawyers are expensive! And nobody wants to go to court. Unreliable forms, poorly stored correspondence, and slipshod data protection procedures, however, can land you in deep (and expensive) trouble. Especially if you're a lawyer yourself.
Viruses and malware are everywhere. We all know that we shouldn't open attachments, especially Word documents. And yet we trust that the Word document we got back is the same and as safe as the one we sent out. How much would it cost to pay a ransom or fix a hacked network? What if it was all your form's fault?
What does it cost you if a customer would rather go elsewhere than complete a PDF form on their mobile? How cold does a lead go while waiting for people to slowly return cumbersome Word documents? What would it cost you if the email and attachment went into spam, or if you lost it in your busy inbox? What if?
A costly burden
It's easy to see how inconvenient and painful forms can quickly lead to real, costly burden on any organisation, however big or small.
Staff time, accuracy, reliability, scalability, legal risk, business risk, lost sales: these are all important cost metrics, and they are all easy to get wrong thanks to Word or PDF forms, or badly configured WordPress plugins.

Fortunately, there is a solution!
It's not an expensive solution. It's not a difficult solution. It's a technology solution, but not one that you need to rely on a techie to set up or support.
It's a solution that will save you money, for sure, and it can even make you money, thanks to getting those all-important form responses back quickly and reliably. No more lost opportunities.
It is a solution that works, because it's been carefully designed to deal with the inconvenience and pain associated with old-fashioned forms.
The solution is Fillaform.
Here's how we know Fillaform is better.
- The information you collect will be the same, but neat and tidy. People will use a browser or mobile with a smart-looking interactive form and QR code rather than a clunky Word document or the need to print it out. It's much quicker and more convenient both for you and the person you are collecting data from.
It saves you time and money. - The data reaches you securely without going through an email system, and is already available to download as an Excel file without the need for further inputting or formatting. The data also stays safe on the cloud, in a secure GDPR-compliant datacentre, for as long as you need it.
It saves you legal and reputation risk. - As it's a web-based solution, there is no software for you to maintain or update, and it always has the most up-to-date features. And there's always a friendly person available to help should you need it.
It saves you pain and inconvenience.
"Fillaform sounds great! Surely it must cost a lot or come with limits, and need help from IT?"
That's the best bit. It's not expensive, there are no annoying limits, and you can even try it for free.
There's not even any software to install!
It's incredibly easy to use, but if you need any IT support with it, we'll help you free of charge.
There's nothing to lose, except pain, inconvenience, and your clunky old forms.
What are you waiting for?

*No sign-up required